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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

State of Horror

As Halloween is coming up...

  • What are your favorite horror movies?
  • Favorite horror movie clichés?
  • Is horror any better or worse than it was during the "Golden Age" (late 70s?)
  • Are our throwaways better than the throwaways of the day?
  • Does the horror industry's tendency to continuously produce sequels detract from an original's quality?
  • Where is horror right now and where is it going?
  • Any must see horror movies this Halloween season?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

favorite horror movie is.. probably the Exorcist... Guaranteed to scare me every time. When I was a kid, I read a lot of great horror books, but the movies based on those books never scared me the way I wanted to be scared.. For me the worst (best?) terror is the monster I can't identify... and thus can't fight.

I find modern movies tend more toward slasher flicks. I was never into those. they're just gross. The Ring was good, I guess.

House of Wax killed off Paris Hilton, so there's that.