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Sunday, July 22, 2007

My idea

We have a new member of the writers on the blog and I’m going to admit, I’m not sure I know who you are. I might, but I’m going to act dumb because I don’t recognize the screen name. So hi and welcome, it’s sweet you’re joining us, and I’ll add the vacation question to the list of questions and entries that I have to do. Now onward and upward.

My big idea may not be as creative as yours, but I’m interested to see how it goes over.

The Proposal

I’ve been thinking, which I know is always dangerous, but I may actually be onto something this time. Elections are coming up in 2008 and the massive campaigning that has already begun is well a little bit much. In my opinion, it’s not the campaigning that is the problem, but the amount of money that is spent on it. The reforms haven’t worked, and people without money are constantly cut out of being a part of the political system in our country. This is not fair, and I don’t believe that the founding fathers would want it to be this way. Look at our current legacy of leaders, there have been two families in power for the past 26 years. It seems a little bit like a dictatorship or a co-monarchy. You think people would have figured out that when the first Bush left office we wouldn’t necessarily want to elect a new Bush especially after the way things were all in an uproar over him. Apples don’t fall far from the tree people, let’s be smarter than that. Then you look at what Clinton did. Well overall, he did quite a bit of good. However, the actions in his personal life overshadowed what he did in office. And now there is the chance to extend that 26 years into at least 30 if Hillary is elected in 2008, and consider the fact that Bill is thinking about being her running mate if she gets the nomination. Do we really want that to happen? Would she actually be worth it?

My point and my thinking has led me well beyond the 2008 election, but instead to the future in general. I propose that we adopt some political discussions into our blog. Let’s us it as a forum for open discussion not based on any political party instead what would be best for the country. We started with a slight dive into global warming but we can go further. Perhaps if we can get enough people interested in the blog and in our view points in general who knows where it could lead. We may even be able to start a campaign based on nothing more than our open honest opinions about where the country is headed and what the future holds for everyone. We don’t start it off as a campaign, and that’s not necessarily the end game, but this country needs unbiased opinions about what’s going on. So I recommend that we offer our opinion, we keep it open to people sending us questions and maybe even their own opinions. It’s worth a shot to try and change even our own outlook at the world. When the blog first started and I first wrote in here I talked a little bit about John Mayer’s album and the single Waiting on the World to Change. I’ve been waiting for my generation, our generation to step up and change things, but I’ve realized I have to stop waiting. I am going to have to step up and take charge. I am going to have to try and change minds, to change opinions. It’s not going to be easy and maybe this blog isn’t the best way to do that, but so be it. I would like some company along the way and if you guys are willing to accompany me it would be great. I’m not saying we abandon the lists and the other conversations I’m just saying that we should do a “world worthy” topic along, or in between each of the other topics of interest. I think they go hand in hand, the more that we understand about ourselves, the better we can answer the other questions.

That’s my suggestion for a large undertaking. I want to see where we can go with it, how many people can we get to read it and chime in. My belief is that our generation really needs to step up to the plate, especially those of us without inheritance, the ones that will work for what we get. It’s our country, not the country of the elite. A grass roots campaign for understanding, the education of us all. If we decide to try and go further with it along the way, if we get enough support, well we’ll take it from there.

I hope that, that all makes sense. I’m just interested to know if it’s something that you guys are interested in. If I’ve been too vague and you want to know more about what I’m thinking, just let me know and I’ll see what I can do to clarify. But let me know in the next couple of days. I have a few ideas for topics and we can pick others up along the way. If it’s not something you’re interested in I’ll drop it.

It’s a good way to get our thoughts out there and discuss relevant topics, we’ll all bring something different, but as I said before, hopefully politically unbiased (in terms of large parties), a chance to really look at what we believe without relying on a political party to shove their platform down our throats. Think about it. Ta!

1 comment:

Rae Wood said...


This is something that through my years at college my professors have sealed in my mind. The truth is that our founding fathers would not be upset that only those with money can run. When our founding fathers were creating our government they were very worried that the common people would get involved because they did not believe that common people could truly understand how politics work and they were worried that they would lead with pure emotion doing what they thought would be for the greater good but really wasn't. Luckily for us what they wanted was representation and to create a government powerful enough to be legitimate, but also that the people could shape. Throughout the years we have made many reforms that have let to a more equal representation and truly I don't think our founding fathers would be upset with how we have changed their original ideas because that’s what they wanted a living government, however, they were very much of the mindset that not all men could or should be involved in the political workings of the nations.