Here comes part two, which is my five favorite movies of all times. Enjoy J
My five movies are as follows:
1) Fight club
2) Shakespeare in Love
3) Robin Hood (Disney version)
4) The original Star Wars Trilogy
5) Singin’ in the Rain
And now for part three (that’s 3 if you’re wondering J). The explanations to go with the movies:
1) Fight club is my all time favorite movie. The humor and the lines in it along with the twisted way it warps your mind I just can’t help but watch it over and over. I’ve also read the book and they both have a lot to offer, but Brad Pitt and Edward Norton are genius. They truly embody the character they play and bring it to life. The movie always shows something new, a different way of looking at things. While that way may be twisted and just plain bizarre at times, it is outside of the box and it is a fresh take on things.
2) Shakespeare in love. It’s a close tie between fight club and Shakespeare in love. It’s a weird combo but while I watch fight club for the way it makes me think I watch SIL because I have been obsessed with Shakespeare’s work for years and on top of that I’m a hopeless romantic. It is one of the perfect love stories out there. It has no “happy ending” and yet leaves you knowing that it isn’t truly over. The combination of actors and actresses was amazing. The costuming perfect. The comedy, the romance. Come on people if there is a better love story that combines a modern take on an age old love story that was written by a master please let me know. I’d like to watch it.
3) My favorite Disney movie of all times is Robin Hood. Along with Shakespeare, I have a strong like of the stories of Robin Hood and the Three Musketeers, the classic medieval and renaissance tales that always lead to swashbuckling and rescuing and plots against the bad guy. Thus, it leads to Robin Hood being number three on my movie list. I have always loved this movie; I found it funny as a little kid and I watched it so many times that I have all the lines and songs memorized. Kinda sad I know, but there you have it. Bonus: Ever since reading Atlas Shrugged, I have reconsidered the viewpoint that Robin Hood is a hero, while I think he was a cool cat and deserves a place in legend, we need to be careful how much stock we put into the message of “robbing the rich to feed the poor.” I’m not saying that we need to go fully the other way because I think our society would crumble too quickly and I’m not ready to move into the gulch yet, but we need to make sure that we’re not just giving charity because people need it. They need to earn it and learn to stick up for themselves in some cases. That's enough of me rambling about Atlas Shrugged because I still love Disney's Robin Hood movie.
4) The original Star Wars Trilogy. I am aware that this is three movies however; I believe they should be considered as one. They are one story, and really truly only the first one could stand alone in my opinion because it is such a single plot. The reason I like the trilogy, oh let me count the ways. The story is a classic; it has adventure, love, comedy and some suspense. It also has elements of mythology in it because the hero is born and you follow him through his hardships and victories. It’s a classic that helped usher in the current era of special effects. It’s a set of movies that everyone should see. Forget the prequel trilogy, everyone should make sure that they’ve seen the original.
5) Singin’ in the Rain. My movie list would not be complete without at least one musical and this one is my stand out stand up musical. I have always been drawn to tap dancing, it amazes me. When I was little, and as a guilty pleasure now, I watched Shirley Temple movies. To see people use their feet to not only dance (most of the time very well), but to make musical accompaniment. It’s awesome, I love it! But what makes Singin’ in the Rain my stand out musical? Well the story is classic, I love Leena Lamont and her screeching voice and the music is divine. To this day my two favorite songs from the musical are Moses’ Supposes and Make ‘em laugh. It’s such a funny movie, and the music and dancing are so cool to me. It’s my default movie when I need to feel better, you can’t be sad while watching it. So it makes my list. If you haven’t seen it, well you should because it’s a classic movie with a lot to offer. Check it out!
And that concludes this portion of my dissertation that I have been giving over the course of these entries. Stay tuned for my next big idea and the first installment of my life list and some other random entries as I try desperately to keep up with all the ideas that are pouring out. Nathan what took you so long to start this? Ta!
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